…to be a SAHM
November 23, 2015
One year ago today, I was having a “quarter-life crisis” of sorts. I was turning 25, and I felt as though I hadn’t done much with my life as far as going to college and feeling accomplished with a career. I had a good job and a great husband, but my self-esteem was low. But of course God came through with the best birthday gift I could ever receive. Learning I was pregnant with Lily was life-altering. I no longer doubted myself. I’ve always wanted to be a mom, and my dream was beginning. After having her, the time rapidly approached for me to go back to work, but nothing seemed to be falling in to place. And thus came the decision for me to stay at home. I have never been happier. I realized that I don’t have to be like everyone else, but can still applaud and be proud of their hard work. Being a SAHM is a tough job, but everything I ever wanted. I am incredibly thankful for a supportive husband who has made this all possible. Whatever your dream may be, don’t wait too long to make it your reality.